My name is Kathy and I have an analog soul

Posts tagged “help

I’ve had a project accepted by KickStarter!

My Video for KickStarter

I’m raising funds to support a booth for our local art shows.  I’ve been struggling to keep my film photography going and know that I will be able to do great at the shows, but I haven’t been able to get the necessary items to furnish a professional booth.

You receive special edition items if you pledge for my project 😉  Click on the link below for all of the details.

My KickStarter Project

My first slideshow video featuring Japanese Inspiration images

Tried an online service for making some different slideshows, but found it rather cumbersome and didn’t quite get the results I was looking for.  I had read about Windows Movie Maker and thought I’d give it a try.   It was very easy and intuitive to use and this is what I came up with.

These Japanese Inspiration images are available on my website here:  Analog Soul Photography